Thursday, August 15, 2013

Things Unseen

I hear people say that they believe in nothing.

How can this be possible?

We believe in things unseen every single day.

You say you don't believe in magic, but you've felt falling in love. You've seen a child's face when Santa's name is mentioned; what is more magical? You've seen the majesty of autumn leaves and experienced the Milky Way on a dark, still country night. You've held hands and kissed under a full moon. There is no better magic.

You say you don't believe in miracles, yet you rejoice in your new heart, or your friend's cure from cancer. Ah, yes, you say. A perfect example of doctors and science. But how was the science set in motion? Only a few become surgeons; only a few have the skill and tenacity and compassion to learn those skills. The thing is---you believe in the doctor. 

Yes, you believe in something.

You believe, without even realizing it, that you will awaken each day, that your needs of hunger and shelter will be met. You believe that the sun exists, that the moon shines at night and that the stars hang in the heavens.

Yes, you believe in something.

You say you don't believe in God, or Allah, or any Supreme Being. You have witnessed a birth, a sunrise, the dying each winter and the recovering breath of life each spring. You know it will happen; it always does.

Yes, you believe in something.

Do you believe that someone loves you? Do you believe that your child or your spouse, grandchild or your big, goofy canine depend on you? Do you believe that you'll feel better if you have ice cream or chocolate, or a cold Miller or a good night's sleep?

Yes, you believe in something. You have faith that you didn't recognize, for faith is the belief in things unseen.

Yes, you believe in something. 

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