Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Glasses

So my old glasses are not to be found anywhere. Oh, well. They didn't do much good anymore, and the never-to-be-had-again anti-glare was starting to separate and made it like looking through Vaseline. 

Instead,  thanks to the cataract surgery a couple of years ago, I only need glasses for reading. I've been using the ten dollar 'cheaters' for a few weeks, and they served their purpose. Well, sort of.

So I made an appointment for new readers--real ones, with classy frames and all. Since they spend a good deal of time atop my platinum tresses, I wanted to be certain they would make a good hair band, too. It wasn't an easy choice.

But there they were--bronze filigree bows, semi-rimless, no annoying anti-glare...perfect, and well within my price range.

Eagerly I awaited the arrival of my specs. When they came, I entrusted them first to my head for the fashion value, then to my eyes for their purpose.

What a joy to be able to read without a magnifier! Words fairly leapt from the pages, all in a straight line, too.

There's only one drawback.  For the first time in months I am able to look in the mirror....and I see wrinkles. I see flaws that I swear weren't there before.  


I think I'll go back to the cheaters.